AC Repair & Maintenance Checklist

Probably the last thing you are thinking about as the temperatures continue to drop is your air conditioner. You should, however, be aware that if the thought of a new air conditioning system were to enter your mind, fall is such a great time to get it done. Take a look below at just some of the advantages gained by getting a new air conditioner now rather than putting it off until the next cooling season is upon you. You may also be interested in some positive suggestions that will assist you in best protecting your unit as the winter continues to approach.

Avoid Installation Delays

Approximately 15 years is an air conditioning systems average lifespan. This, of course, can vary somewhat based on things like maintenance, usage, and environmental factors. If the air conditioner you currently have is nearing this time-frame, you very likely will be needing to replace it in the near future. You should be aware that purchasing a new system now will help get you ready for the next season that will be coming and will also have a positive effect in getting those cooling bills lowered.

Be aware that if you wait until the summer months to purchase your new system, very often there will be substantial delays in getting it installed and this will leave you suffering from the heat longer than you care to do. Your HVAC contractor is often overwhelmed a bit in the summer months and very often will not be able to get things done as quickly as you wish they could. If you are considering a new air conditioner, you can minimize any discomforts and totally avoid delays by not waiting until next summer to get things done but rather purchase the unit and have it installed in the fall instead.

Experience Repair Needs More Often

The message being sent to you if you are experiencing more frequent breakdowns or other air conditioner repairs being needed is that the time to upgrade to a new system is close. The fact of the matter is that if your repair costs for the system you have now are in the area of 25% of what a new system will cost you, then this is definitely the time to upgrade and get things done. The other good news is that getting it done now will eliminate the craziness that will come if you wait until the system totally gives out and then you have to hustle around desperately to locate a new system and get it properly installed.

Take This Time To Research Your Options

The last thing you want to do is wait until the summer and then have your unit break down causing you to be scurrying all over trying to get the right unit to get the job done and get you back feeling cool. Taking the time to do the research and get the job done now is simply so much of a wiser choice to be made. It will save you time, money, and anxiety moving forward.

How Best To Protect Your AC Unit During The Cooler Months

You have to prepare for the cooler months that are approaching whether you are purchasing a new unit in the fall, or making certain the system you currently have is properly maintained. What this process starts with is making certain you winterize your air conditioning unit. The fact of the matter is that this process will take but a bit of your time, but can and often will save a substantial amount of money moving forward for you.

As The Weather Begins To Cool Off, Take A Look At This Simple Checklist That Should Be Completed In The Fall:

1. Turn off the air conditioner units exterior power.

In most instances, central air conditioning units will have an exterior circuit which will control the power running to the unit. What you want to do to shut off the power to the unit is to locate the box near the unit that is fastened to the side of the home, open it, and find the red circuit handle inside. You will then proceed to pull the circuit out, flipping it upside down and then carefully reinserting it into the slot. You then simply close the box’s lid.

Getting this accomplished will help to prevent the unit from being damaged. In addition, it will prevent electrocution from occurring when the unit is worked on and will make certain that it will not turn on over the winter. You want to make sure a unit doesn’t turn on over the freezing months because if it does it will often use water to create cool air and this water is then exposed to freezing temperatures that will then cause damage to the condensing unit of the air conditioner.

2. Take The Time To Clean The Outside Of The Unit

You don’t want to leave anything hanging around over the winter that might cause damage to your unit. Make certain that any plants hanging over the unit are carefully trimmed, and tall grass or leaves that might blow into it are swept away. You can then clean the condensing coils and fan blades of all dirt and bugs by using a hose with high pressure to get the job done.

You also want to be certain that any debris that might be around the unit is cleared away so that it cannot blow into or underneath the unit. You have to be aware that the debris can be trapped by freezing temperatures and snow, and this can often cause some damage when the unit is next started up when the warm weather returns.

3. Check For Any Cracks Or Damage To The Air Conditioning Unit

You want to examine the exterior of the unit after it is turned off and cleaned to see if there is any rust or cracks on it. You also want to seal any crevices within the unit tightly. If any broken seals or cracks are found, call one of our professionals in order for them to take care of the issue prior to the onset of the rough winter weather that will be coming.

4. The Air Conditioning Unit Should Be Covered

You should be aware that some form of protection cover will help the unit withstand the harsh winter elements. Depending on the size of your unit and where you purchase it, a cover will cost you somewhere between $15 and $30.

Another important point to remember is that you do want to have at least 12 inches of exposed coil left when you have covered the unit. This will air to continue to circulate during the course of the winter, which will assist in preventing any mold from growing.

Still another suggestion is to place on top of the unit a simple piece of plywood which will protect it well from falling ice and will keep the debris and leaves away from it while making certain the unit continues to breathe.

5. During The Winter Check The Air Conditioning Unit

Throughout the winter, you can do this ongoing check. When you see the ice and snow start to build upon the unit, take some time to clean it off. What this will do is keep any unnecessary weight from laying on the unit, and this will avoid any extra strain remaining on the steel that can cause future damages.

The bottom line here is that you should understand that just some pre-winter preparation and attention over the winter is going to be saving you both money and time when those welcome summer months return!